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Stock: 5 / Price: 25.00€


DVD compilation of 10 years of music videos by Antonin De Bemels

Now personally I’ve always been more wakamezake than nyotaimori, but Antonin here seems to have a preference for yeast. Yes, you read that correctly, yeast. He’s very, very proud of the fact that he makes his own bread, with his wee little hands, and insists on serving it to us at any possible occasion. Not surprisingly, he also concocts his films like children’s witches’ brew, kneading together whatever’s in reach: last week’s leftovers, questionable liquids, body fragments, an assortment of trinkets, rope and or hair. The final result, although by all means inedible, has a quality both epileptic and appeased; that fragment of a moment when Parkinson’s patients shake still; a frantic, immobile effort, beating an almost flat time.

1 Phlegm - Phalange
2 The Syncopated Elevators Legacy - The Blue Room
3 Silk Saw vs Jardin d’Usure - Idiot’s Brew
4 Rob[u]nent - A Silly Dance
5 aMute - Landslips
6 Michael Fakesch - Mouthface
7 Rob[u]rang - The Pistor Stew
8 Fat Chance - Fleshlight Diary
9 Rawakari - Rhodes
10 Rawakari - Wyre
11 The Forsaken Odes Conglomerate - Shambolic Decency [Hushed Up]