Greg Pope a été programmé lors du programme #199
Pica Disk is proud to present the debut album of UK-born/Norway-based artist Greg Pope, documenting three of his audio works.
After dabbling in punk rock bands and absurdist theatre performance, Greg Pope (b. 1960, London) founded the film collective Situation Cinema (Brighton, 1986) and Loophole Cinema (London, 1989). Working collaboratively and individually, Pope has made sonic and video installations, paracinema, live art, film, photographic and slide works since 1996. Live work has been performed internationally at many other locations across the world. Collaborators include Jerome Noetinger, Norbert Möslang, John Hegre, Sult, Okkyung Lee, Mike Cooper, Jean-Philippe Gross, Anla Courtis, Voicehandler, Andrew Lampert, and many more.
Self-made percussive instruments striking glass, tape/text cut-ups and contact microphones.
SHOT FILM (2009)
Made by shooting black 35mm movie film with a shotgun, editing the film together and running it through a projector.
Site-specific collaboration with carillonist Laura Marie Rueslåtten; handbells/field recording.